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Ariana Grande Breaks 3 Year Hiatus with “yes, and”

Image: Republic Records

After a 3 year hiatus, pop queen Ariana Grande returns to her throne with the release of her new single “yes, and” which is a feel-good anthem about embracing oneself and giving less regard to others’ opinions. 

The beginning of the song’s music video starts by showing a red business card with “ag7” which is an ode to her upcoming album, “eternal sunshine,” to be released on March 8 later this year. 

Critics of Grande then nitpick aspects of her to hate on and make their way to shut doors. When the clock strikes 12 PM, the doors open with another group of people coming out. However, this group is more cheerful and vibrant than the group of critics we follow, as they make their exit by laughing and acting as if their lives were just changed by whatever they just experienced. 

Confused, the critics walk in the room to make their way to their seats and find statues in vogue-esque poses. When the first beat of the song drops, the statues break and real-life people come from the jungle gym-like structure behind the statues. Ariana makes her appearance in the middle of a group of dancers and the music video continues with her singing and taking center formation amongst the dancers. 

“yes, and” starts by noting that everyone goes through a rough time and these hard moments may be hidden from everyone. The song consists of uplifting messages with some notable lyrics that summarize the idea to unapologetically be true to oneself:

  1. Boy, come on, put your lipstick on / No one can tell you nothin’”

  2. Yes, and? / Say that s*** with your chest, and / Be your own f*****’ best friend”

  3. Don’t comment on my body, do not reply / Your business is yours and mine is mine’”

Eventually, the critics turn into fans as they cheer on the performers and two of them join in with the choreography. The critics leave similarly to the first group of cheerful people we see leaving as a new group of confused, stern critics walks in. 

Released on January 12, the music video has been trending on the #1 spot in YouTube’s music category since its release.  6 days later, the single was released on streaming platforms and the song debuted with over 11 million streams on Spotify and the #1 spot on the platform’s Global Chart, showing that Queen Ari is still a pop icon to put in your listening queue and playlists. 

Save the date for March 8, 2024 when she releases her seventh studio album, “eternal sunshine!”

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